


Brush up on algorithm problems - Roll it up


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One Algorithm Problem a Day#

  1. [Find the kth Node from the End of a Linked List] Use two pointers, a=0, b=k, move forward together. When k=null, a=n-k.
  • [Kth Smallest Element in a Binary Search Tree] In-order traversal, k--
  • [Kth Largest Element in an Array] Quick sort, no need to sort, just compare.
  1. [Permutations] Recursion (DFS), take array elements one by one, recursively take array elements after excluding the current element (two for loops + recursion).

  2. [Reverse Linked List] One loop {prev=null, cur=0, next=temp}, end the while loop when next = null.

  3. [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal] Breadth-first search (BFS): while traversing the same level (queue shift) & collect next level nodes (push).

  4. [Spiral Matrix] Clever technique: peeling apples. Peel off the outermost layer (shift the array and pop the rest), reverse the entire array by 180 degrees ([].reverse), then peel again.

  5. [Restore IP Addresses] Split the string, recursion (DFS), check if each segment is valid 0~255.

  6. [Number of Islands] Whenever encountering a land cell=1, perform DFS search and mark the searched cells as visited (mark as 2).

  7. [N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal] BFS breadth-first traversal root-->nextRoot[]-->nextRoot[]

  8. [Invert Binary Tree] Pre-order or post-order DFS traversal or BFS breadth-first traversal, cannot use in-order (will invert twice).

  9. [Longest Palindromic Substring]

  10. [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters] Dynamic programming + hashMap

  11. [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree] Approach 1: DFS (binary traversal) to calculate the paths, then compare the branching point of the two paths;

  • Approach 2: If both values are on the left, then the closest root is on the left; if one is on the left and the other is on the right, then the current root is the closest common ancestor.
  1. [Rotate Image] Two for loops, swap matrix[j][n - 1- i] = matrix[i][j]

  2. [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters] Sliding window -> map to mark the position of characters, max to mark the current maximum position

  3. [Merge Two Sorted Arrays] Two pointers, compare and put into a new array one by one

  4. [Sum Root to Leaf Numbers] DFS algorithm, mark the visited child nodes (left or right)

  5. [Path Sum] DFS algorithm, mark the visited child nodes (left or right)

  6. [Maximum Subarray] In a single loop, if curSum < 0, discard & start accumulating again, if curSum > maxSum, then maxSum = curSum

  7. [Two Sum] Create a map, put in index and value, also check if the already put values can be paired

  • [Three Sum] 2. Two-pointer method: sort the array & set [a,b,c] = [i,i+1,len-1], target=-num[i]
  1. [Kth Largest Element in an Array] Quick sort method (choose a pivot p, move smaller elements to the left, larger elements to the right), move the pointer i=0, return when i=k.

  2. [Minimum Size Subarray Sum] Sliding window -> map to mark the position of characters

  3. [Add Strings] Convert to arrays & reverse, carry over when sum is greater than 10

  4. [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree] Pre-order traversal

  5. [LRU Cache] new Map(), map is a hash queue, set always goes to the last in the queue

Some Resources

  • ByteDance Algorithm Interview Questions:
  • Leetcode Top:
  • After reading this, you will understand graph and tree traversal:
  • Binary Tree Traversal:

To be continued

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